While every business has its own unique needs, I've developed a general process that helps me effectively collaborate with clients. Here's a look at how I typically work when creating a strategic or business plan:

1.     Initial consultation: We'll start with a brief call or meeting to make sure we're a good match.

2.     Comprehensive discussion: Next, we'll have an in-depth conversation where I'll ask you a comprehensive list of questions to thoroughly understand your business. We'll define your objectives and what you aim to achieve with your business plan.

3.     Proposal: I'll send over a proposal that clearly outlines the deliverables, timeline, and associated costs.

4.     Further research: Once we're on the same page, I'll start researching and may have additional questions for you throughout that process.

5.     Draft presentation: I'll present you with the initial draft of your business plan and gather your feedback.

6.     Fine-tuning: We will schedule an additional conference call or meeting to review the plan together and ensure that we’re addressing all the essential points.

7.     The finishing touches: Depending on the complexity of your plan, I'll provide one or more revised versions until we've developed a final plan that meets your needs.

8.     Putting your plan into action: With your polished business plan in hand, you'll have the roadmap you need to start executing your business strategy effectively.